jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

About food.

Food is great. Food is the best!!!

I remember I learnt how to cock when I was a little girl. But… it was not such a good experience (for my mom!)

When I was 7, there was a sort of activity at school. It consisted on a “Market”. Its purpose was to teach us the price of food, how to offer a product, to learn maths, and such. We had to sell our food. I remember I sold potatoes, carrots and bananas. The money was made of paper and clay.

I couldn’t sell everything. So, when I arrived home I realized I had potatoes, carrots and a bunch of eggs on the fridge. Somehow, I figured out to cook something… I knew my mom used eggs to prepare mayonnaise. I knew also that my mom prepared a salad that contained potatoes, carrots and WOW! mayonnaise.

So, I cut the ingredients. I put some eggs on a bowl. I added salt and oregano…

The part I missed?  To boil the vegetables!

The idea was to prepare a salad for my mom. She used to arrive at 9 p.m. everyday. She was always very tired and I thought my salad would be great for her!

So, she arrived home… I told her I had prepared something for her. I wrote her a letter to tell her I loved her so much.

She bit the potatoes… (Raw!) I was in front of her. She said nothing at all! After a huge silence, she said: This is great! How did you cook it?

That was my first preparation… after that, my mom taught me how to cook, how to boil food, how to mix the ingredients and I fell in love with cooking! Now, it has become one of my hobbies.  

I like to prepare fish, sea food, salads, Italian food and meet! So, people… you are all invited!

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