miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

A healthy life style. Is it possible? How?

Actually, a healthy life style is possible.
Unfortunately, in my opinion, a healthy life style requires time and money.

It is recommended to jog at least 30 minutes three times a week in order to improve the cardiovascular system and oxygen perfusion in tissues. This work out should be monitored by a professional, so you can really make sure you are doing it well (without hurting your joints or muscles).

A good health also counts up on with a good diet, for example, you should include on your meals: vegetables, fruits, proteins, carbohydrates (in low proportions) and fibers…

So now, the problems to achieve it.

1. To jog you need time. In Chile, specifically in Santiago, we work from 8 o’clock in the morning until 6.30 in the afternoon. And we have one hour to have lunch. When you arrive home you are tired, you have to look after the kids and you should do the laundry, and yeah… the dining room is a bit messy and the dishes have been on the sink for two days! And… and… there is just no time at all if you have a house to maintain!

2. Now…If you live in Maipú or in Puente Alto and you work down town and you do not have a car, you have to take a bus, and the journey never takes less than 60 minutes (because of the traffic), so you can feel the stress and that sucks!

3. Salaries are not always good enough for the biggest part of the population. We must consider that healthy food is expensive, at least in Santiago, so people will not spend money on this. Instead junky food is cheaper. So, lunch consist on French fries, a hot dog or maybe a sandwich.

4. Sea food is good, however it is expensive, even though Chile is an exporting country of it (maybe the most important one in South America.) It is really important to include this group of nutrients on our meals at least 2 times a week as a way to improve our cells function.   

It is sad to realize that food that is really good for people’s health is out of their reach. For them, and for most of us, to pay the bills comes first.

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