This is really difficult to me…I did not have a good childhood, actually. I remember I used to spend my free time alone at home, no friends at all, no TV, no permission to go to a park and nobody to talk to. I lived with my parents and my grandmother and they never wanted to play with me, I did not have neighbors either so… I was alone all day long and I had to figure out the way to have fun by myself.
I remember I used to stay for hours reading the Yellow Pages! I loved to memorize emergency numbers and to check different specialties on the medical category.

Maybe the best memory of my childhood is when my first pet arrived at home!! He was small, but so strong! He run very fast! I named him: “Dollar”, then he grew up and he stomach also did of course! Before school I had to feed him with a spoon every day in the morning, I mixed dog’s food with some milk… that was his food and he never ate without a spoon…